Big Wash is a family business that has been based in Hataitai for forty years .
We provide a 24 hour service in a clean and efficient environment for you to do your washing quickly.
Washers & Dryers are operated by tokens
Tokens , Coins and Powder are available at 4 Square Hataitai & Waitoa rd Dairy .
Tokens are now available 24 hrs from
Caltex Basin Reserve , 28 Adelaide rd
18KG Big Wash takes over 3 normal domestic loads and up to 2 King Size duvets .
Please fill it but don't stuff it
Wash cycle time is 35 mins .
That means in just over half an hour you can knock out a week's Laundry in one of our four 18Kg Big Washers and spend more time doing what you love !
Drying time ranges from 20 mins -40 mins depending on the type of load .
Jeans , Towels and Feather Duvets typically take longer than other items .
Allow room in the dryers for washing to tumble
We also have a rag business for all your cleaning needs !